breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
Saved by the Bell Reunion
by enigma1863 inhow many people saw the saved by the bell reunion on the tonight show?
i completely forgot lark voorhies is a jw.
do you think being a jw was the real reason she didn't join the reunion?.
breakfast of champions
Screech wasn't. There either. . . . What's his story? -
Jesus died for US...technically
by enigma1863 infor god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son and then took him back.
that's not love, its a big legal loophole.
people have technically died in the past, and by the standards of diagnosing death in bible times you could definitely beat 48 hrs and return.
breakfast of champions
Yes! Thank you for the OP.
This is something that always bothered me.
When you give something, that means it's GONE. You don't get it back in some form or another. Pretty logical.
I was shy on my first JW.ORG Video, I am so happy sharing God's Organization with you!
by JWCart1975 is the fastest growing media outlet in the world, our local cobe said we are going to take the media from satan's wicked world!
repent before it's too late and come back to the kingdom hall with all your loving brothers and sisters!
you won't find happiness without jehovah's organization and you know it!
breakfast of champions
Yes, my first thought was that AuntConnie has been reincarnated as the singing cart! -
The WT is making a broadway musical about a cart, no joke!
by EndofMysteries ini'm literally speechless on this.
mixed between a big wth, rofl, dumbest thing ever made, and shock that wt actually made this and is taking it seriously!
breakfast of champions
Next: Percy the Practical Podium -
Thankyou tv.jw! you are helping my wife wake up!
by stuckinarut2 ini have to thank tv.jw!!!
(im not putting the complete link, but you know what i mean).
after showing my wife the 'trolley song' as we now call it, she was rolling on the floor in embarrassment and shock.. she shook her head, and was clearly troubled by what we watched.. little by little, the org is actually helping more to wake up!
breakfast of champions
Good for you STUCKINARUT! JWTV is the best thing that's ever happened to us folks with family members sitting on the fence.
My wife rates it as the second-most disturbing thing she's seen. Number one was the Zone Visit.
Musical video on JW-TV February monthly program - must see !!
by Viva la Vida inyou must see the musical video at the end of this month program (aprox.
at 1:04:30).... i don't like to use "must" but this is wow... if you think they couldn't get any lower... just be prepared...
breakfast of champions
WGO - sorry, but I vote that as the most depressing post ever! Sad that that was the reaction.
I know at least a couple of my family members see this as complete drivel/nonsense.
Sam's watch
by Slidin Fast ini just started to watch the february broadcast when i noticed a metallic rattle over the drone of sam's voice.
(does that man speak with a mouth full of chowin' tobacco or is he choking on the rubbish he reads off the autocue?).
yep it's his rolex.
breakfast of champions
Anyone remember a WT cover with what looked like a televangelist decked out in bling?
This was probably in the past ten years, if I remember correctly. Would love to get my hands on that to compare!
Ode to the trolleys in Feb's broadcast
by konceptual99 incheck out the song about the trolley at the end of this month's dubcast..
breakfast of champions
What the h*ll was THAT? I am 35. I was told all thru my youth that Disney and movies that gave human voice or human attributes to animals or inanimate objects was "promoting magic"
Heard the exact same thing my entire life, too WINGCOMMANDER.
Christian bakery ordered to pay $150 000 to gay couple
by cofty inan oregon bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage has lost its appeal..... the judge has ordered 'sweet cakes by melissa' to pay $150 000 damages to rachel and laurel bowman-cryer.. discrimination is illegal, and religious superstition is not an excuse.
how long before jws land in court under similar circumstances?.
read more....
breakfast of champions
Well that was a pretty expensive cake they never baked!
Shocked that this was in Oregon.
Meet one of my stalkers
by label licker inthe guy being interviewed while sitting with his wife in the car was the elder that admitted that he lied at my judicial committee which i have on tape.
he tried saying i had said something to him and his wife and i called him a liar right to his face and then he said i didn't really say what i had been accused of.
breakfast of champions
Interesting story, LL.
I just sent you a PM.